well thats no way to say goodbye. i dont even like fish. and i dont go fishing. harmonious, still, silent lakes are not place for a child of mtv. gone into hibernation might have been a more appropriate sign off. gone to see about a doctor would have been a more honest representation of reality. and if i were to be completely, boldly, offensively frank, ‘uninspired….gone to watch five series of dr who under a blanket’ would have been the most apt explanation of my absence. but you tugged at my heart strings (smoo, im talking to you) and i couldnt help myself. i realised as i began to re-watch an entire series in the hope of “picking up on things i might have missed the first time round” that there are more important things to be doing and eating. over the past month i was introduced to the world of the chip – hot and cold. and it had such an impact that for a brief moment there, never turning on the oven again became a conceivable possibility. but like all good things, it started to take its toll, first around the hips, then around the heart. besides, chips are very loud. i cant hear the doctor talk with the chip crunching and the bag scrunching and the munching and the bunching and i was missing vital plot developments. so i decided it was time to return because the jagged little chips were tearing a hole in the diaphanous fabric of my reality. and all the while i heard the sweet dulcet tones of the doctor whispering to me “be magnificent”. magnificent was a bit much to ask but i did make some hummus. (yes, into which chips were dipped). i made too much but so it goes. and it was good.


500g chickpeas

250g tahini paste

50ml lemon juice

6 garlic cloves crushed


put chickpeas into a food processor (keeping a few aside for end presentational purposes) and add the tahini, lemon juice, garlic and some salt. blend until its completely smooth. it should be very soft and verging on runny. taste and add more salt if you think it deserves it. drizzle with some olive oil and sprinkle with paprika. finally tumble some chickpeas atop. or pine nuts. whatever floats your boat. you can serve it with some of your homemade sourdough (unless you went and got so hibernatory that you killed your starter…in which case, chips will do fine.)

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9 responses to “hummus”

  1. Matthieu Avatar

    clearly you’ve gone mad.
    but im still here loving you.

  2. Matthieu Avatar

    and yes, the doctor is in…

  3. JJ Avatar

    praise the lord! we request this, con sourdough, upon arrival in december. passion fruit tart optional, but not really optional. thanks in advance.

  4. fw Avatar

    Alarming news about the (c)hips. Particularly as it is quickly revealed we are not talking big chunks of wholesome tuber food, but highly manufactured CRISPS. By golly.
    And of course that chap is not a REAL doctor. Hasn’t been real since he wore an overlong scarf and answered to Tom in between takes.
    This site is disappointing in that I can’t remember it ever mention let alone recommend a good book. Doesn’t it read any?

    But it’s good after so long an absence to have the return of fine writing, (albeit) about fine food. AND fine pichers.

  5. schlepseleh Avatar

    thank you for your input. the last thing this blog read was a wonderful ouevre entitled ‘annual cookbook: our favourite recipes’ published by the good people of gourmet traveller. a literary masterpiece. oh and after attempting The Waves and baffled by its density and complete lack of recipes and accompanying pictures there was a close reading of a cereal box followed by some in depth research and analysis of its origins and constituent bits.
    p.s. i think you mispelt pichers
    p.p.s. how embarrassing

  6. jo Avatar

    whilst never having read a book in my life and coming here only for the pictures, i do like the copius squiggles twixt each image.

    i’m so happy!

  7. smoo Avatar

    Thank goodness you are back online. Hopefully life should now start getting back to normal. Hope our blogger feels much better too.

    FW as usual takes the issuance of subtle warnings to appreciative c(hip) eaters to unpleasant new widths. Glad you are all back Fasting.

  8. fan Avatar

    Thank you! For helping me get over my first failure (which had the every consistency in my mouth of one giant chickpea)and dip again, this time with an actual recipe… I put cauliflower on top of mine.

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